Motilal Oswal Financial Services unveiled its new ‘Motilal Oswal Tower’ in Bengaluru on Sunday. The tower was inaugurated by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, with Group Managing Director and CEO Motilal Oswal and Chairman and Co-Founder of Motilal Oswal Financial Services Limited Raamdeo Agrawal, in attendance.
As per the company, the Motilal Oswal Tower in Bengaluru is a spacious 6-storey building spanning across a plot area of 1708.5 sq. meters and is located in the heart of the Silicon Valley of India. The tower can accommodate approximately 435 employees.
Talking about the development, Motilal Oswal, Group Managing Director and CEO, Motilal Oswal Financial Services, said, “Bangalore has always been a significant city in Motilal Oswal’s network of operations, making it imperative for us to have a strong physical hub in the city. Motilal Oswal Tower in Bengaluru will be just the office space needed to firmly establish the company’s commitment to serving the local client base and nurturing regional talent while providing enhanced services for our Karnataka-based customers.”
For many years, Motilal Oswal has been present in Bengaluru through branches and subsidiaries of its various business verticals. The newly launched Motilal Oswal Tower, Bengaluru, will host offices of its asset management, broking and distribution, housing finance, private wealth, online advisory, IFA and PCG advisory businesses.
“The inauguration of Motilal Oswal Tower in Bengaluru proves our strategic vision and commitment to growth. This new facility marks our expanding footprint and represents our dedication to providing top-notch infrastructure and a conducive working environment for our employees,” Raamdeo Agrawal, Chairman and Co-Founder, Motilal Oswal Financial Services Ltd., added.
The organisation had acquired the tower on March 29, 2023, in the Kumara Park neighbourhood of Seshadripuram. In addition to this, the new property will be the firm’s second independent tower in Bangalore, which highlights its commitment to expanding its physical footprint in all key financial centers of the country.
From: financialexpress
Financial News