Kalyan Jewellers on Monday announced that it will acquire the remaining 15% stake in its e-commerce subsidiary, Enovate Lifestyles, for Rs 42 crore. The subsidiary operates under the Candere brand. The deal, to be completed in three tranches, will make Candere a wholly owned unit.
Kalyan Jewellers is shifting its focus from pure e-commerce to an omnichannel strategy. The company first acquired a majority stake in Candere in 2017 to enter the online jewellery market.
The latest transaction involves purchasing 57,320 equity shares from existing shareholder Rupesh Jain.
“We’re excited to explore an emerging market segment within the jewellery industry, focusing on lightweight, fashion-forward designs,” Managing Director T S Kalyanaraman said.
Candere, which reported an annual revenue of Rs 130.3 crore in the 2023-24 fiscal, launched 11 physical showrooms last year and plans to quadruple its offline presence this fiscal.
(With inputs from PTI)
From: financialexpress
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