Flipkart-owned fashion e-commerce platform Myntra is pursuing a strategy to bolster its Indian designer wear collection on Luxe, its premium offering. Sources said the company is in talks with multiple renowned domestic designers, including the likes of Sabyasachi Mukherjee, to feature their coveted creations.
The Luxe India vertical currently hosts domestic designers like Ritu Kumar, Masaba Gupta, Mandira Wirk and Namrata Joshipura, among others. However, Myntra aims to further elevate its offerings by onboarding iconic labels that resonate with the consumers over the age of 25, according to sources.
“Negotiations are underway with Sabyasachi to bring his exquisite creations to the Luxe India platform. His label is synonymous with timeless elegance and a celebration of Indian artistry, making it a coveted addition to Myntra’s portfolio,” sources said.
Myntra declined to comment on the details.
“Myntra Luxe’s apparel category has been witnessing a 150% year-on-year growth on the back of a strong growth in the overall luxury segment on the platform,” sources said.
From: financialexpress
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