Specialty pharmaceutical company Ajanta Pharma Ltd on Tuesday posted a profit growth of 18.1 per cent for the first quarter of FY25 at Rs 245.77 crore in comparison to Rs 208.12 crore recorded during the corresponding quarter of FY24. It posted revenue from operations at Rs 1144.92 crore, up 12.1 per cent as against Rs 1021.04 crore during the same period last year. The company EBITDA stood at Rs 330.3 crore.
Cashflow from operations (CFO) was recorded at Rs 466 crore. Free cashflow (FCF), meanwhile, was at Rs 301 crore.
The Nomination & Remuneration Committee of the Board has also allotted 24,325 fully paid-up equity shares of Rs 2 each issued upon exercise of options. “In view of the above, the paid-up capital of the company stands increased to Rs 24,98,24,198 consisting of 12,49,12,099 equity shares of Rs 2 each,” it said in a regulatory filing.
Ajanta Pharma’s Q1 performance across business verticals
Branded Generic Business: Total segment sales was recorded at Rs 860 crore, up 17 per cent.
The company posted Q1 sales for the segment in the India market at Rs 353 crore, up 10 per cent. As per IQVIA MAT June 2024, Ajanta’s growth was 8.9 per cent versus IPM growth of 7.6 per cent. This higher than IPM growth, the pharma company said, is contributed mainly by new launches, which was about 1.3 times to IPM. In terms of therapeutic growth, cardiology grew by 5 per cent, ophthalmology was up by 9 per cent, dermatology rose by 17 per cent, and pain management recorded a growth of 8 per cent.
Asia recorded Q1 sales at Rs 277 crore, up 9 per cent in comparison to Rs 254 crore.
Africa market posted Q1 sales at Rs 230 crore, up 45 per cent from Rs 159 crore.
US Generic Business: The company posted Q1 sales at Rs 228 crore, up 7 per cent. During Q1FY2025, it received 3 ANDA final approval and filed 2 ANDAs. Out of 56 final ANDA approvals, the company said that it has commercialized 46 products.
Africa Institution Business posted Q1 sales at Rs 42 crore, down 36 per cent.
From: financialexpress
Financial News