Adani Power Ltd (APL) on Monday reported its fiscal second quarter earnings with profit of Rs 3,297.52 crore, down 50.0 per cent in comparison to Rs 6,594.17 crore during the corresponding quarter of FY24. It posted revenue from operations at Rs 13,338.88 crore, up 2.7 per cent as against Rs 12,990.58 crore during the same period of previous financial year. For H1, the company recorded power sale volume at 46 Billion Units (BU), up 29.2 per cent
from 35.6 BU in H1FY24. Consolidated continuing total revenues for H1 was higher by 20 per cent at Rs 28,517 crore, due to greater sales volumes.
The company posted consolidated power sale volume at 21.9 BU in Q2FY25, up by 21 per cent from 18.1 BU in Q2FY24 due to improved power demand and higher operating capacity.
Adani Power said that power demand was flat during Q2FY25 as compared to the corresponding quarter of FY24, primarily due to climatic conditions such as a delayed but prolonged rain spell affecting demand. Nevertheless, cumulative demand for FY 2024-25 till 30th September 2024 was robust with a growth of 5 per cent over the first half of FY 2023-24. Growing peak demand has also improved power offtake from the thermal power sector to ensure uninterrupted power supply during the hours of low renewable energy generation.
SB Khyalia, CEO, Adani Power Limited, said, “Adani Power has embarked on the next phase of its growth journey, swiftly achieving capacity expansion milestones and securing power supply agreements to ensure long-term revenue stability. The Company consistently delivers robust operating and financial performance by leveraging its inherent strengths and competitive advantages. Its diverse capabilities and financial resilience provide a solid foundation for growth, enabling it to realize its vision of supporting India’s economic development with reliable, sustainable, and affordable power supplies. Additionally, we are committed to rapidly turning around our recently acquired stressed power plants by utilizing our core competencies and strengths.”
APL has achieved operating generation capacity of 17,550 MW as on 30th September 2024 with the addition of 2,300 MW operating capacities.
Furthermore, Adani Power also announced that the Board of Directors has approved the raising of funds by way of secured, rated, listed, redeemable, non-convertible debentures amounting up to Rs 5,000 crore, comprising up to Rs 2,500 crore by way of public issue and up to Rs 2,500 crore by way of private placement, in one or more tranches, in accordance with applicable laws.
From: financialexpress
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