By-Abhishek Agarwal
Human actions have revolutionized the world and unprecedentedly transformed life on Earth. From the advent of agriculture to the digital age, human beings have continually pushed the boundaries of what is possible. In our relentless quest for development and comfort, we have maximized the exploitation of natural resources, often without considering the long-term consequences. However, in our pursuit of progress, we have severely compromised nature. The foundation of our existence, the natural environment, has been significantly degraded.
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The pandemic has made us realize that environmental degradation can play havoc with our lives, severely impacting our everyday existence and making life impossible. It is time we realize that as far as environmental protection is concerned, we have just seen the tip of the iceberg and it is now or never for us to work towards the collective responsibility of preserving nature. If earth has to sustain life for our future generations it is the collective responsibility of all sections to come forward and lend a helping hand to the cause. The Time has come when human beings can no longer afford to ignore the negative impact of their action on Mother Earth.
From air pollution to soil and water pollution, all the natural resources that were once considered non-negotiable to sustain life on earth have been severely impaired and have turned toxic and unsafe for human consumption. The increase in various health disorders and non-communicable diseases is directly associated with the growing pollution at all levels.
Solid Waste Management, already a mammoth task in many Indian cities, is becoming more complicated with the increase in urbanization, changing lifestyles, and increased in consumerism. managed waste serves as a breeding ground for disease vectors, contributes to global climate change through methane generation, and may even result in disharmony amongst residents.
Plastic pollution is another crisis looming large, permeating all levels of the environment, from soil to water and marine life. It has resulted in a grave impact on the flora and fauna of the earth and put a question mark on the very basis of life on our planet. It is disillusionment to realize that plastic used for some minutes or hours, takes generations to compose while severely harming our health, environment, and the planet.
Many research studies have suggested that the chemicals present in plastic can adversely impact our health and result in abnormalities in the reproductive systems, cancers, and neurodevelopment disorders like autism.
The government has taken a praiseworthy step by banning single-use plastic however the implementation of the step in a pro-active manner is yet to be witnessed. Local substitutes in place of plastic must be promoted. Also, apart from government initiatives, civil society organizations and other stakeholders need to come together for proactive participation and citizen-led movements.
The occasion of World Environment Day should be utilized to create awareness around the ill effects of harming the environment and the various reasons to disseminate sustainable and environmentally- friendly activities. The day should utilize mass knowledge among all the citizens from school kids to corporate entities, of the impact of plastic pollution and its hazardous impacts on our physical and mental health as well as the wellbeing of our planet.
People need to realize that small steps in the right direction can work wonders to mitigate the harmful aftermaths of plastic pollution. Some of the efforts like reusing disposable items, taking a jute or cotton bag for groceries, and choosing clay dishes despite plastic are some small but important and healthier options that could result in overwhelming results if followed at the mass level.
It is time the citizens realize that policy change cannot give sustainable results unless civil society and communities are not coming forward to act as catalysts for this change. It becomes the revered duty of every single citizen to ensure a positive change that can accelerate our drive towards Sustainable Development Goals and ensure that we leave a healthier and better planet for generations to come.
Abhishek Agarwal, Founder and CEO, of Goodeebag
(Disclaimer: Views expressed are personal and do not reflect the official position or policy of Financial Express Online. Reproducing this content without permission is prohibited.)
From: financialexpress
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