Infosys on Tuesday announced its collaboration with Nihon Chouzai (TSE), Japan’s dispensing pharmacy chain, in order to expand healthcare access in Japan with enhanced online medication guidance services and payment solutions. As part of this collaboration, Infosys said that it has developed a mobile application, NiCOMS, a telemedicine service that enables patients to receive remote medication guidance from registered pharmacists, eliminating the need for pharmacy visits.
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In collaboration with Infosys, Nihon Chouzai launched the web version of NiCOMS in September 2020. With an existing registered user base of over 1,800,000, the mobile application will now integrate with OkusuriTechoPlus, Nihon Chouzai’s digital medication notebook, by merging the account and authentication processes. I
The online medication guidance service on NiCOMS allows patients across Japan to receive medication instructions, consultations, and make payments during video calls with pharmacists. The responsive user interface enhances compatibility across a wide range of terminals, operating systems, and browsers, ensuring accessibility for all users and a smooth experience across devices.
Kunihiko Kurihara, Executive Officer, General Manager of IT Department, NIHON CHOUZAI, said, “Our collaboration with Infosys complements our best-in-class solution and gives it a new scale with the pioneering NiCOMS platform and its ability to bring positive experiences to our customers. What started a few years ago with the web version is now further strengthened by Infosys’ agility and expertise in digital transformation, which has helped us realize our vision for a one-of-a-kind telemedicine service.”
Hideyuki Aoki, Vice President, Country Head – Japan, Infosys, said, “Together with Nihon Chouzai, we are forging the future of digital healthcare in Japan through innovative solutions. This alliance will offer enhanced online medical services and increase access to quality pharmaceutical interventions, with an aim towards making a significant impact at scale.”
From: financialexpress
Financial News