After Amul, now competitor Mother Dairy has also announced to increase the price of milk in Delhi-NCR market from Monday, June 3, by Rs 2 per litre. As per the company, the reason behind price rise is increase in the input cost over a period of last 15 months. “Increasing the liquid milk prices by Rs 2 per litre across all operating markets from June 03, 2024 onwards. The increase in consumer price is mainly to compensate the producers for increased production costs, which have been on the rise for over one year,” Mother Dairy said in a statement.
It is interesting to note that the update on price rise has come just after the voting process of Lok Sabha Elections 2024 has completed and a day before the results get live.
Furthermore, the rise in price will also be introduced in markets other than Delhi-NCR.
After this, the price of Mother Dairy’s full cream milk will stand Rs 68 per litre, toned milk at Rs 56 per litre, double-toned milk at Rs 50 per litre while buffalo and cow milk will now be available at Rs 72 and Rs 58 per litre, respectively. The price of token milk from today onwards will be Rs 54 per litre.
Prior to this, the company had revised its milk price in February 2023. “Despite paying higher prices towards milk procurement in the last few months, the consumer prices were kept intact. Moreover, the heat stress across the country has been unprecedented and it is likely to further impact milk production,” Mother Dairy added.
The company that produces 75-80 per cent of the sales realisation from milk, has said that the surge in farm prices is only being partially passed on to the consumers, with an effective revision of 3-4 per cent, thereby securing the interests of both the milk producers and the consumers.
From: financialexpress
Financial News