Adani Group owned Ambuja Cements on Monday posted a profit decline of 42.5 per cent for the second quarter of FY25 at Rs 455.96 crore, in comparison to Rs 792.96 recorded during the corresponding quarter of FY24. It posted revenue from operations at Rs 7,516.11 crore, up 1.2 per cent as against Rs 7,423.95 crore during the same period of previous financial year. The revenue growth, it said, was driven by higher trade sales volume (up by 1 per cent) and premium product as percentage of trade sales at 26 per cent (up by 3.3 pp YoY).
Ambuja Cements posted volume growth of 9 per cent YoY, at 14.2 million T, which is the highest volume in Q2 series in the last 5 years. Increased use of low cost Imported Petcoke and E-auction coal along with overall reduction in cost of fuel basket, it said, have contributed to 13 per cent reduction in Kiln fuel cost (Consolidated) from Rs 1.82 to Rs 1.59 per ’000 Kcal. Thermal energy consumption improved by 3 kCal/Kg of Clinker at 758 kCal.
In a statement, Ambuja Cements said, “This performance is supported by healthy volume growth, increasing scale of operations, value extraction of acquired assets, enhanced cost leadership, improved operational efficiencies and group synergies.”
The company announced that its net worth increased by Rs 450 crore during the quarter and stands at Rs 59,916 crore.The company, it added, remains debt free and continues to maintain Crisil AAA (stable) / Crisil A1+ ratings. The Cash & Cash Equivalent stands at Rs 10,135 crore. For Ambuja (consolidated), business level working capital stands at 33 days.
Ajay Kapur, Whole Time Director & CEO, Ambuja Cements, said, “We are glad to deliver another sustained performance aligned to our growth blueprint and setting new benchmarks in efficiency. We continue to focus on innovation, digitalisation, customer satisfaction and ESG as the core elements of our business. With our strong foothold across the nation, we are further expanding our footprint in new geographies in-line with our vision. Post successful completion of the orient cement transaction, we are well poised to achieve 100+ MTPA capacity by this fiscal year end.”
From: financialexpress
Financial News