Just Dial on Friday announced its fiscal second quarter earnings with profit at Rs 154.07 crore, recording a growth of 114.6 per cent in comparison to Rs 71.79 crore during the corresponding quarter of FY24. It posted revenue from operations at Rs 284.83 crore, up 9.3 per cent as against Rs 260.61 crore during the second quarter of previous fiscal year. The company EBITDA stood at Rs 79.8 crore, up 69.4 per cent YoY.
Just Dial said that the effective tax rate for the half year H1FY25 (and for full year current estimate) stood at 12 per cent, which is lower due to reversal of deferred taxes on account of part of treasury portfolio moving from short-term to long-term bucket due to completion of 2 years holding period in FY25. However, for Q2FY25, the effective tax rate was sequentially higher at 15.1 per cent, due to the impact of recent changes in capital gains tax rules.
Cash and investments, meanwhile, came in at Rs 4,942.8 crore as on September 30, 2024, up 15.4 per cent YoY.
The company recorded traffic (quarterly unique visitors) for Q2FY25 at 198.0 million users, reporting a growth of 15.3 per cent YoY and 9.3% QoQ. While 85.4per cent traffic originated on mobile platforms, Just Dial said that 11.8 per cent traffic was on Desktop/ PC and 2.8 per cent on voice platform. “Efforts towards content enrichment, better user experience are resulting in healthy organic traffic growth which augurs well for the business,” it said.
Further, total active listings stood at 46.2 million as on September 30, 2024, up 15.0 per cent YoY and 2.9 per cent QoQ. Just Dial said that 1,305,226 listings were added (net) to the database during the quarter. Out of total listings, 30.8 million listings were geocoded as on September 30, 2024, up 21.9 per cent YoY. Total images in listings stood at 206.5 million, up 25.0 per cent YoY and 4.1 per cent QoQ.
Total ratings and reviews, it added, stood at 150.3 million at the end of quarter, up 3.0 per cent YoY.
From: financialexpress
Financial News