The Maharashtra government is in talks with Japan’s Horiba Group for the setting up of a semiconductor unit the state. Deputy chief minister Devendra Fadnavis said the government has identified land in the Butibori industrial estate in Nagpur for the plant.
Horiba India opened a facility in Nagpur on July 6 to manufacture medical equipment and consumables. It is the largest medical equipment and haematology reagent manufacturing unit in the country. Set up with an investment of Rs 200 crore, the plant will provide critical equipment to 30,000 diagnostic labs in India.
The Horiba Group operates in automotive emission testing, medical diagnostics, semiconductors, scientific analytical equipment and process and environmental equipment.
Horiba has two manufacturing units in Maharashtra in Pune (technical cum research centre) and Nagpur (medical equipment and reagent manufacturing) and a third facility in Haridwar, Uttarakhand (medical reagent manufacturing).
Horiba India Chairman, Jai Hakhu, highlighted the growing significance of Nagpur with this plant and plans for further investments, including establishing a semiconductor facility here. Horiba chairman and Group CEO, Atsushi Horiba was in Nagpur for opening the plant.
Union Minister of Road Transport and Highways, Nitin Gadkari, said at the inaugural that they were keen on seeing more investments flow into the Butibori industrial estate, which was among the largest such industrial estate in Asia.
From: financialexpress
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